TV host, author and public intellectual and Morehouse professor Marc Lamont Hill gave the keynote for yesterdays Race in Our Communities Forum at Syracuse University.
Dr. Marc Lamont Hill, social justice warrior and host of “VH1 Live,” came to Syracuse loaded for bear yesterday, but he mixed in some humorous mixed metaphors to make the medicine go down easy. He talked passionately about the need for equitable justice under the law and thinking outside the imperfect system that currently exists (in cities and on campuses).
Hill asked the crowd at the Schine Student Center imagine a freedom dream,a world where healing and rehabilitation follow justice, and where we readily identify, and eventually diminish state violence propagated against vulnerable groups, stereotypes and marginalized people.
After Hill’s keynote there was a panel discussion, which included Keith J. Bybee, Ph.D., Tony Callisto,Bea González, Benjamin Jealous and Jordan Shelby West. The moderator was Dr. Keith Alford of SU’s Falk College.