Syracuse University Men’s Basketball–2013 Final Four
Syracuse University Men’s Basketball–2013 Final Four
Marshmallow Chicks
Near Westside
Water Street
Townsend Street
Willow Street
Here are some sights and sounds from the former cafe/live music venue/soul-gathering place OnaJava, which was located on the Near Westside.
Some of the guests and performers included David Boykins, Nicole Mitchell, Darryl Dawkins and Steven Daniel.
Darryl McDaniels, aka DMC (back-in-the-day)
Next week the elements of the Hip Hop scene (past, present and future) will collide in Ithaca New York to coincide with the exhibition of The Hip Hop Collection at Cornell University.
The three-day event will feature panel discussions, art exhibits and a concert series featuring Afrika Bambaata (see Dan Smalls Presents, Inc.). Of particular interest to SIF will be the talk by Hip Hop Photo-historian Joe Conzo (who also documented the Latin Music scene in the 70s and 80s).
For a complete schedule, click here. To brush up on your Hip Hop History, click here.
Updating The Redhouse Marquee
Babcock Shattuck House, East Genesee Street
SaltQuarters-Artist live/work space (Near Westside)
The Bread & Puppet Theater Co (based in Vermont) was in Syracuse this week as part of their tour for the firms 50th Anniversary. The company combines dance with political satire, street theater and puppetry. Here is a photo of their bus parked along the Connective Corridor.
Khalil Kain, actor and activist, spoke at the Landmark Theater downtown to say we need to teach empathy to stop gun violence. Khan is a stage actor and is best known for his role in the Hip Hop film noir classic Juice.
Kain, who was the keynote speaker on a stage full of city leaders, talked about how his life was affected by gun violence and the work he’s doing in New York City.