Alanna Mahar won in the "Best Brow" category at last night's Festival of the Fantastical Facial Follicle.
Alanna Mahar won in the "Best Brow" category at last night's Festival of the Fantastical Facial Follicle.
Best of the Beards: Todd Yoder
Five months to grow + Two hours to style=Superior Beardsmanship at the Festival of the Fantastic Facial Follicle.
Musician/cultural attache'/tour guide Michael Heagerty may be the most interesting man in the city (kinda like a younger version of the Dos Equis guy). We appreciate his distinctly dapper personal style and thank him for taking time to explain to us the rules for last night's beard judging competition held at the Landmark Theater. Heagerty is pictured here talking about the virtues of someone's facial hair. He served as the emcee for the runway event as well.
J. Darnell on the set of Holler Back (circa 2003)
Not everyone in Syracuse has given up on an undefeated season. Last weekend we found out about another Team Orange that is doing work on the court at the East Fayette Street Boys & Girls Club. The Syracuse Team for Biddy Basketball, coached by Dean Crouch, remained the top seed as they used pressure defense, superior guard play and backboard dominance to dispose of Marquette on Saturday. The team, made up of children from the SCSD, is now 7-0, and retains a number one ranking heading into the playoffs.
The plot line for the game included best friends turned rivals, and even brother against brother on the sidelines (Dean’s brother Danard is Marquette’s coach). Syracuse may have won by double digits, but the game was certainly competitive.
We wish Syracuse the best as they barrel toward perfection.
Dean and Danard Crouch, coaches for East Fayette Street Biddy Basketball
We all like a good story about overcoming odds and transforming misfortune into triumph. That’s the story Rosie Perez talked about during an interview today (publicizing her book on NPR). Perez went from Soul Train dancer to actor, to victim rights advocate and motivational speaker. She is pictured above during a visit to the Southwest Community Center, where she was a keynote speaker (2011).
Professor Alejandro Garcia
Cuse Fans, State Tower Building