Canoe Tour of Onondaga Creek (near Dorwin Ave)
Canoe Tour of Onondaga Creek (near Dorwin Ave)
Karen Blue, Special Education Teacher
Listen below for a portion of Karen Blue’s tribute to Marie Graham during the Black History Program at Ed Smith School on Wednesday.
Georgia Businessmen John Walker (left) and Jason Geter came to Syracuse to participate in the Syracuse City School District’s Black History Program. They are pictured here with organizer and Syracuse Special Education teacher Karen Blue.
Mike Willis and the Called
BCCE: Voices lifted to sing
Dr. Ricky Dillard, accompanied by the Syracuse Community Workshop Choir (photo by Nahari)
NYC’s Sheree Williams
Byron Canada, director BCCE
Street Evangelist
C. Robinson, aka the Saxman, serenaded the fans on their way to the Carrier Dome for the SU v. Georgetown game today.
Merchant Entrance: Marshall Street
Diane Jones, ed composer
Radio announcer Diane Jones brings clarity to the issue of what it’s like to be a “woman composer.” She is pictured here performing with the group Samba Laranja (at CFAC)
Louis McCollough, is the half brother of Kevin Garnett and cousin of Shammond Williams.
Here are a few photographs from the inaugural season (a season cut short before it ended) of the Syracuse Raging Bullz (ABA).
Coach Terrill Dean
Marlin Johnson
Dayshawn Wright
Ceremonial jump ball with former Onondaga County Executive Nick Pirro
Mackenzie Clark
Halftime Entertainment: Soul Food Babies
Jon Ferris