Angela Rye, political commentator and attorney was the featured speaker for the 33rd Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration at Syracuse University.
Angela Rye, political commentator and attorney was the featured speaker for the 33rd Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration at Syracuse University.
Dr. Marc Lamont Hill spoke with the inflection of Dr. King, the fire of Malcolm X, and ended with the bravura of Dr. Michael Eric Dyson at the Carrier Dome on Sunday. Hear an excerpt from his speech below.
Between fiery rhetoric on the life of Dr. King and other civil rights giants, Dr. Marc Lamont Hill added just the right amount of whimsy during his talk at the Carrier Dome.
The Doctor and Uncle George: Professor Rick Wright and George Kilpatrick provided live commentary at the Dome for Syracuse University’s Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration.
Professor, activist, public intellectual and TV-personality Marc Lamont Hill spent some time talking with students in a question- answer session before his speech for the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration on campus on Sunday.
Journalist Michele Norris was the featured speaker for the 30th Annual Dr. martin Luther King , Jr. Celebration at Syracuse University.
Listen below to hear Norris, joined by the Say What ensemble, read statements from The Race Card Project (some submitted from Syracuse).
Professor, Martial Arts Champion and Entrepreneur El-Java Abdul-Qadir gave the keynote address and discussed sacrifice, education and character as some of the keys to build leadership for the next generation.
Bomba y Plena Dance Troup from La Casita
Syracuse University Break Dance team
Spoken word artists, including Signature MiMi, from the Verbal Blend Poetry Program at Syracuse University, also participated.
Yesterday’s Dream, Tomorrow’s Promise
Dance Theater of Syracuse performs “Even Time Takes Time.”
Black Celestial Choral Ensemble (BCCE)