The Like Minded
The Like Minded
Sankofa Park, South Salina Street
The Sumner Hunt Building is an example of Second Empire Style architecture. Southside TNT and Syracuse Model Neighborhood Facility, Inc. held an open house at the newly rehabbed space on Friday.
Jim Bright led a tour of Brighton/Salina Corridor earlier this week.
The tour, which was part of SUNY ESF’s Center for Community Design Research Visioning Voices Community Speaker Series, highlighted neighborhood properties such as People’s AME Zion Church, the South Side Innovation Center Dunk & Bright, the South Side Communications Center, the Mary Nelson Youth Center as well as a handful of projects in progress (Shawn Casey Building, Aspen Heights and Salina Crossing). Dunk & Bright has been a family business for nearly 100 years and the location on South Salina Street is 90,000 square feet.
Isella Ramirez and Casey Wang, program managers from the Hester Street Collaborative in NYC, visited Syracuse yesterday for the Visioning Voices Community Speaker Series. Hester Street uses design as a tool for neighborhood planning and change. Before the presentations the two planners joined a small group of residents on a brief tour of the Brighton/Salina Corridor. They are pictured here resting outside Dunk & Bright Furniture.
Black Lives Matter March, Downtown Syracuse
Public Display of Affection