Posts Tagged ‘Syracuse Model Neighborhood Facility’

Remixed Use

Sunday, February 19th, 2017
The Sumner Hunt Building is an example of Second Empire Style architecture. Southside TNT and Syracuse Model Neighborhood Facility, Inc. held an open house at the newly rehabbed space on Friday.

The Sumner Hunt Building is an example of Second Empire Style architecture. Southside TNT and Syracuse Model Neighborhood Facility, Inc. held an open house at the newly rehabbed space on Friday.

Legacy of Grace

Monday, October 25th, 2010
Giles and McGriff: Students of Grace

Giles and McGriff: Students of Grace

Keith Herring Muhammad and Brenda Muhammad, along with Focusing Our Resources for Community Enlightenment (F.O.R.C.E.) held a tribute for (Sensei) Vinson Grace on Saturday. The program included family tales, a short film, story-telling, and various martial arts demonstrations. SIF Advisory Board Member John Giles (left), a 2nd degree brown belt and Robert McGriff, a black belt, began martial arts training with Grace when they were children.