Posts Tagged ‘Mary Reidy’

More than a Game of Dance

Wednesday, March 12th, 2014
Melanie Littlejohn, regional executive for National Grid

Melanie Littlejohn, regional executive for National Grid

Melanie Littlejohn of National Grid led a discussion yesterday on the science behind movement and dance with Carol Charles, Yolanda Mitchell and Dr. Mary Reidy. The special guest for the program was DanceAfrica founder Baba Chuck Davis.  A dance demonstration was conducted by the Dance Theater of Syracuse.

Dr. Baba Chuck Davis, founder of Brooklyn Academy of Music's DanceAfrica

Dr. Baba Chuck Davis, founder of Brooklyn Academy of Music’s Dance Africa

Dance Instructor Carol Charles (left) and Dancer/Engineer Yolanda Mitchell participate in the panel discussion. Hear their comments in the sound clip below.

Dance Instructor Carol Charles (left) and Dancer/Engineer Yolanda Mitchell participate in the panel discussion. Hear their comments in the sound clip below.