Archive for January, 2015

Style Transmitter

Friday, January 16th, 2015

Couples Skate, Clinton Square

Throwback Thursday

Thursday, January 15th, 2015
We would have never predicted (more than a year before the election of Barack Obama) that Dr. Ben Carson would be a potential Republican  presidential candidate.

We would have never predicted (more than a year before the election of Barack Obama) that Dr. Ben Carson would be a possible Republican presidential candidate.  Carson visited Syracuse in 2007 and spoke to WellsLink Scholars.

Poetry in Motion

Wednesday, January 14th, 2015

Capture the Cuse (IV)

Tuesday, January 13th, 2015
White Coat Syndrome

Shielded on the Urban Tundra, viagra Northside

Motivation leads to Mentorship

Tuesday, January 13th, 2015
Poets Ethan and Seneca (protege and mentor)

Poets Ethan and Seneca (protege and mentor)

Ethan Holland, a product of the Syracuse City School District, kicked -off the 6th Annual QEW Poetry Slam (as the sacrificial poet).

Chasing Verbs

Tuesday, January 13th, 2015

QEW Slam Poet

Here are a few of the amazing poets who ripped the stage at the 6th Annual Queen Elizabeth Way (QEW) Regional Slam event on Saturday night. The event was held at the Community Folk Art Center’s (CFAC) black box theater and hosted by Syracuse’s Underground Poetry Spot.

The winning team was  Nitty Gritty.

QEW Slam Poet

QEW Slam Poet

QEW Slam Poet

QEW Slam Poet

QEW Slam Poet

QEW Slam Poet

Performance Art

Monday, January 12th, 2015
Maestro the Beatmaster of the Orange

DJ Maestro, Beatmaster of the Orange (at CFAC)

Maestro definitely moves the crowd. It was good to see him on the Connective Corridor on Saturday.  We hope he is a top choice when they finally do a an outdoor fashion event at Forman Park, or when the choose another artist to perform/ride the 443 Centro Bus.

Week in Review

Sunday, January 11th, 2015
Syracuse Press Club officer Josh Cradduck speaks during a vigil for slain French journalists held in Clinton Square on Saturday night.

Syracuse Press Club officer Josh Cradduck (left) made a brief speech during a vigil for slain French journalists on Saturday night. The event was held in Clinton Square.

Jazz Unlimited

Saturday, January 10th, 2015
Larry and Margaret Luttinger dance to the sounds of Nancy Kelly at Friday night's Sitrus event.

Larry and Margaret Luttinger groove to the sounds of vocalist Nancy Kelly at Friday night’s Sitrus event. Larry is one of the few producers/drummers who has the dance moves to match his musicianship.

What a way to kick-off 2015’s music season.

Last night’s Jazz at Sitrus event was filled to the brim (restaurant and bar) to take in the musical experience that is Nancy Kelly.  Kelly was backed by the usual suspects: Losito (organ), Kelley (drums) and Carello (sax). If this is any indication, the January Jazzfest should be massive. Kelly will be a featured artist at that event, which will be held January 25 in Baldwinsville.

Nancy Kelly and one of her students, Will Gorman, have an old fashion skat-off before the show intermission last night.

Class is in session: Nancy Kelly and one of her students, Will Gorman, staged an old fashion scat-off before the intermission last night.

Capture the Cuse (III)

Friday, January 9th, 2015
Beverage Service

Beverage Services