Archive for May, 2017

Don’t Even Try It

Tuesday, May 2nd, 2017
During the first inning of tonight's game Pawtucket's Aneury Tavarez got greedy and tried to stretch a double into a triple during the first inning , but found out that Brian Goodwin has a  canon arm in  right field. He was called out at third.

During the first inning of tonight’s game Pawtucket’s Aneury Tavarez hit a bullet down the line and then got greedy and tried to stretch a double into a triple during the first inning. Unfortunately he found out that Brian Goodwin get to the ball pretty fast in right field. Tavarez was out by a mile sliding into third base.

Who, What, Wear (MWP)

Monday, May 1st, 2017
Model Hadassah Wood goes beyond expectations by working the Underground runway while pregnant.

Shout out to model Hadassah Wood, who worked several runways this week (including the Underground show) while pregnant. We respect your grind.

Candy-Covered Nights

Monday, May 1st, 2017
Marisa's Fortress of Beauty continue to push the limits of artistic design for Syracuse Fashion Week.  Last week their models were covered for candy for the Underground Show finale.

Marisa’s Fortress of Beauty continue to push the limits of artistic design for Syracuse Fashion Week. Last week they covered modesls with candy for the Underground Show finale.